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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Great run!

I had a great run this morning.  Planned 8 miles at a good 7:15 pace and came in under that goal.  It was tough to get moving at 6:30 am since it was so cold outside, around 27 degress but I knew I had to go.  Since I did not want a repeat of Tuesday, I ate a Clif Bar and had a sports drink on my ride to work today.  I figured that was plenty of calories for a run lasting under 1 hour.  I woke up at 5 am to leave the house by 5:30 am, and along the way stopped at the store to get the food and drink.  I have a 25 minute ride to work so I knew I would have enough time to eat, drink, and be ready by the time I hit work for a run around 6:30 am. 

Even in the cold I amazed at how much I sweat.  I need to make sure I continue to hydrate even though I am not "thirsty" often during my runs.  I try to drink my entire 20oz. bottle during my runs that last 1 hr.  More than that I adjust or refill where I can.  When I came in from my run a couple members were asking me if its difficult to run in the cold.  I gave the plan that works for me:  run all year round so your body can acclimate to the change in temperatures during the change of seasons--fall/winter/spring/summer.  If you only run inside on the treadmill, then its going to be dam cold/hot outside during your race.

My nutrition plan worked because I felt good running.  My only issue continues to be a heel spur, but I work on that a few times a day by using a tennis ball on the arch of my foot and that seems to help.  Its a busy night on the home front, 2 kids going to the Dr. for flu shots,1 kid staying home with me.  Once my wife Cathy returns, we actually get a break from being parents for the night as my mom is coming for a sleepover with the kids and we get to go out to eat.  I hope I don't accidently try to cut someone else's food for them.  If I do I be sure to buy them a beer as an apology.

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