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Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Streak has Ended!

It's not Jolten Joe Dimaggio's, but after 24 straight days of working out I missed a day this week.  After last weeks EPIC 12.5 hours training and 14 workout sessions, I dropped to 9.5 hours training this week and only 9 workout sessions.  For good reason I guess.

I started off good on Monday, February 21 and rode over 24 miles on the stationary bike at work in 1 hour.  I skipped my planned weight session because I knew I was going to have a long day of work because I was taking off for three days in the middle to end of the week.  I also skipped the planned .75 mile recovery swim because there were no lap lanes available when I went to the NE YMCA with Emma for her swim class.  Usually I can get in a lane and share with someone, but tonight was jammed and the only lap lane already had 4 people trying to swim in it.

Tuesday, February 22 was a much better day with three workout completed.  I started with a good 8 mile run at work on the treadmill in under 54 minutes.   When I am indoors right now I am trying to work on speed most of the time.  I was focused at work because I am taking off until the 28th and needed to tie up all the loose ends before I leave.  After work I stopped at the Y and completed my planned swim session of 2,000 yards in under 40 minutes.  I was able to get home to make dinner for us.  Cathy then took Kristina to swim class and I rode the bike trainer for just over 45 minutes as a recovery workout.  I was able to complete 19 miles in that time.  Emma and Conor were great for me as I rode the bike, we watched Sponge Bob Square Pants and part of iCarley, what ever keeps them busy.

Wednesday was an early wake up, 3:40 AM.  My father and I left to travel to Durham, NC to see Duke and Temple play Basketball later that night.  On the way down I95, we had a stop at Richmond University to visit an old friend who is the Head Men's Basketball Coach there.  We drove only slighlty out of the way and visiting with Chris was great as he spent about and hour with us giving us a great tour of his arena and Basketball complex.  We arrived in Durham, NC and Duke University by 1 pm and toured the campus and book stores.  We had a late lunch since we figured we would probable eat something during the game.  I took a set of running gear because I wanted to get a run in, but I crashed after our late lunch and when I woke up, we needed to leave for the game.  Duke was a great trip for my father and I, we had a blast. 

Thursday was another early morning, 5:15 we left Durham, NC and headed back to Philly with no stops I was home by 1pm.  It was nice and sunny so I hit the trainer for a 24 mile ride then immediatley went for a 6 mile run off the bike.  This was a great way to shake off 15 hours of driving in 2 days and sitting on your ass.  As if I did not drive enough, I had to drive to my parents house at the beach to go to a meeting and cast my vote at the Greater Wildwood Elks Club 2011 Elections, not quite the US Presidential Election but important to my parents.  I finished my workouts by 3:30PM, and left for the beach by 4PM.  I was back home at 9:45PM, and exhausted. 

Friday, Febraury 25 I was still off from work but went in just to do payroll and tie up some loose ends.  We were heading to the Pocono Mountains in the afternoon, so I figured I could sneak in my swim workout in the morning.  That plan fell apart as Cathy called me on my way home.  She asked me to stop at Target and pick some things up that we would need for the weekend, and I needed to help her out with this since I was just away for 2 days enjoying myself and she was at home with 3 kids alone.  I skipped the swim but was able to fit in a bike trainer session of 26.25 miles in 1 hour.  We picked Kristina up from school at 2PM and were in the mountains by 4:15 PM.  Cold beer in hand by 4:16PM.  This was our 2nd year in a row doing a family reunion at a house in the Pocono's and we look forward to it.  Its great to see all of us together.

Saturday, February 26 I went for an 11 mile run in the morning before skiing and tubing could get in the way.  Running from the bottom of the valley to the top of the Resport was killing me.  At one point I looked at my GPS and I was "running" 4.5 MPH going up the road to the top.  Once I left the resort the hills were more rolling than straight up like the access road, but still a tough run.  I averaged just under 8 minute miles, usuallly I am closer to 7 minute miles.  Tubing with the kids was fun.  Me, Kristina, and Conor were together as Emma was with her bigger cousins for most of the day.  Below are Conor and Kristina, the best "Tubers" of the day!

Sunday, February 27 we packed up the car to leave the mountains around 11AM and decided to stop over at Cathy's dads house about an hour away, but on our way home.  He lives in the Pocono Mountains, so it was easy.  We had a nice lunch with him and played pool with the kids in his basement.  Once we returned home, the kids were cooked form the weekend.  The had their showers and jammies on early.  Thy girls had their dinner, then I hit the bike trainer for a 2 hour session, my longest on the trainer so far.  I went 52 miles in the time.  Cathy and Conor were resting since he had major GI issues all weekend, poor little fellow.

All in all I think I had a pretty good week.  Not great but I don't think I went backwards.  Especially for all the miles I logged driving.  I sure as hell just wanted to rest or veg out, but I forced myself to at least get on the bike.  The run in the mountains was an ass-breaker.  Especially going up the mountain on the roads.

Looking forward to a less than crazy week this week.

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