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Sunday, March 18, 2012

St Patty's week means no Green Beer! Well maybe one.

This week started off great.  I nailed 12 workouts from Monday through Friday and had 2 long sessions planned for the weekend.  It was a crazy week with Emma's softball starting, so need to be Mr. Ironman Dad and get her to the practices.  Its tough sitting for 90 minutes while she practices, but I want to be there to support her.  Plus I got my Campus Quilt ( in the mail.  It has 20 t-shirts on it, some from races, and some from my kids.  It really nice and comfy.

Everything was going great all week and I was looking forward to a nice quite St Patty's weekend with no real plans.  I figured Cathy and I could have some QT time with each other.  Then my friend Brian called on Wednesday night and reminded me that I had agreed to help him this weekend.  I did remember once he jogged my memory.  Not a real big deal, what are friends for.  Then I realized what I needed to help him with.  Wax his parents 40' house boat on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Rock Hall Maryland.

We planned on leaving at 730am from his parents house on Saturday morning.  So if I wanted to get my run done on Saturday, I would need to get up at 4am, start the run by 430am, finish by 630am, get showered and eat by 650 am, then leave for his parents by 7am.  Well I guess the week caught up to me on Friday night.  I was asleep by 830pm while watching TV with Conor.  When my alarm went off at 4am, I must have hit the snooze a few times then finally turned it off.  I did get up around 615am, so I did not over sleep for the waxing.  Needless to say I skipped the Saturday workout since I did not even get home until 930pm and was beat!  Here is Brian working his magic.


While I was in Rock Hall, Brian and I did have a chance to hang out and solve all the problems of the word while waxing a 40' boat.  Oh yeah, while we were doing that, his parents are in Key West, FL.  How does that happen?  Once we finished waxing, we stopped at a local bar and planned on eating before we headed home.  Thankfully they had some green spirits for us.

When I returned home Saturday night I had this letter waiting for me from one of the organizations we donated money to from the Ironman fundraiser .  It makes all the sacrifices, all the miles and all the training worth it.

Sunday finally came and I made my long run, 14 miles, and 3 hour trainer session.  The trainer session was not my best, but I got it in.  The weather has been awesome, so my run was in shorts and a t-shirt.  The trainer session was ok just because it is so nice out and I was on the trainer inside.  The only saving grace is that its March Madness so I watched 2 games while on the trainer.  I spent the latter part of the afternoon with Conor and Kristina out shopping and running some errands.

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