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Monday, July 4, 2011

Forget the Shoulder

Now that July 4th is over I need to get in the pool.  I know my shoulder is/will not be 100% for IMLP, but I need to get back in the water.  Even if I just utilize the kick board at first, I just need the sensation of being in the pool and being horizontal.  I'll try some breast stroke but not really look for speed of any real force yet.  I don't want to set myself back this close to the end, but I need to feel comfortable with the arm.

This past week was pretty good, 15 hours 20 minutes of exercise time and it would have been over 18 hours if I was allowed in the pool.  I did almost 50 miles of running this week.  That included a long 20 miler on Saturday morning in just over 2:31.  I feel pretty good with that pace and hope I am only slightly slower at LP.  The runs during the week were still slower than normal.  My ribs are almost healed, but I still don't have a full arm swing during the run and my shoulder feels a little unstable even with the tape added for support.  I did perform 2 brick runs during the week.

The bike sessions are still varied.  I utilize the trainer at work most days.  This week I split the sessions from the trainer and the road.  The long ride on Sunday was 5:11 in total time.  Not especially fast but effective since the weather was horrible.  It started to rain as soon as got on the bike.  I knew it would, having checked the weather channel as soon as I got up in the AM.  There were two huge downpours during the ride and it rained for at least 75% of the ride.  I wanted to go on the ride because I wanted to evaluate how my bike handled the rain.  The weather in LP is unpredictable in LP, so I need to be ready for anything.

On the home front, Kristina went away to overnight camp on 7/3/11.  This is her 4th year attending Elks Camp Moore.  It is a camp for special needs children and she looks forward to it each year.  The staffing is perfect for any child; 1 counselor for each child.   The camp allows the kids to experience as much of traditional overnight camp that they can handle.  Each year she attends is a blessing to us.  We feel so lucky to be able to give her this experience.  It is a special week for her.  Without lying it is also a good break for all of us in our house.  It does make for a quite house.  We all miss her but we know she is having a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, looks like things are coming around nicely. Don't worry about the water, who care if your 10 minutes or more slower. That's nothing in an IM event.

