Well I finished the big week no worse for the wear. I finished at 17 hours and 28 minutes of exercise time for the week. Without a doubt my highest week of the training program so far. I finished the week with my "Big Day" yesterday. I won't lie, it was an ass kicker. The logistics of the day were made easier because Conor and Kristina's games were cancelled becasue of the Memorial Day Weekend. We only had to worry about Emma, and my sister watched Conor to make it easier on Cathy so she would not have all three kids by herself while I am out training again. Thanks to my sister and brother in law for watching Conor for me.
Summary of "Big Day Workout"
I tried to wake up at the time I will on Ironman Lake Palcid morning around 5:15am. For a meal I had a Clif Bar at 5:30am, the a Gu at 6:45am. I started with the swim right after 7am. I maintained a nice even pace of just under 2:00 per 100 yards. I think at Lake Placid my adreneline will make me faster, but in the pool by myself I was shooting for under 2:00 per 100, and I made that goal. After the swim I ate a PB and J sandwich and drank some Gatorade, then put my feet up until 9:30am. I felt good during the swim and think I can hold that pace for all 2.4 mile in LP. If I do that, I should be able to complete the swim between 1:15 and 1:20, which is my plan.
I was able to get on the bike by 9:35am. I had a multiple loops planned to get in the 4:30 I was shooting for on the ride. I used my house as the main point, then planned on loops from home, just in case I needed to stop at home since I had never gone that far on the bike before. Overall the bike was good and I learned alot. During the first 1.5 hours I got a flat, I had a chance to practice changing a flat on the side of a busy rode. Now I just have to remember to get another tube. I thought I had enough fluid with me but I had to stop and buy some extra. It was really hot and humid, so I went through alot of fluid. I went through three 20oz bottles of dilluted Gatorade and a 64oz Aquacell bottle. When I stopped I bought another 32 oz Gatorade and a soda. I was feeling a little stomach fatigue from the gatorade, so the soda was a good change. Fuel: I was well prepared I think. I took in 300-400 calories per hour between Clif Bars and Gu. I feel like I had enough nutrition to help me on the ride and prep for the run. When I got done with the ride, I got home, took a quick shower, then put my feet up for a rest.
The run was tough. I had eaten mostly light after the bike just like I would do at LP. I ran with my 20oz water belt on filled with Gatorade to start. At mile 6 I went into a Wendy's to refill with water. I was keeping about a 8 mph pace during the entire run. After 75 minutes, I had to run past my sister's house and refill my water bottle again with water from her garden hose because she was not home. It was a quick pit stop, as it had just started to rain and felt so good cooling me off. As the run came to a close I could really feel myself running out of energy. I had not eaten anything on the run and probably needed to. Lesson learned.
Overall I think "Big Day" #1 was a great training tool for me. It let me know how my body would respond to some of the stessors of an IM, not all of the however. It is boring being out there for 8 hours alone. I will be eager to see how much more energy I have during an event. Eagleman 70.3 is in a few weeks so that is my next good training tool to check my progress heading into LP.
Recovered all day today with good food at my parents house at the beach. I took the kids to the Boardwalk and spent time riding the rides, playing games, and people watching.
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