Last week was rest and recovery week. Only 12 hours and 53 minutes of training time and I felt like I hardly did anything. Most of the workouts were pretty light, except for the testing sessions. During last summer prepping for a half Ironman I don't think I hit 12 hours often, now a recovery week is over 12 hours. This week I am scheduled for 14.5 hours if I hit all my workouts.
My stress level has been through the roof, not due to training but due to a bad contractor that came to Brick Point our house. It is suppose to be a pretty easy improvement, but just like most things it has turned into a disaster. I believe the guy used the wrong cement or got a bad batch of cement because my drain is clogged with cement. He is claiming it is not cement but rather a ball, doll, or kid toy that the cement dust could not pass through in the drain and has solidified. I am not a mason, nor do I play one on TV, but I know what cement looks like and there are cement "drippings" all over my steps, grass, mailbox, light fixture, and wall. I have been dealing with this since April 5 with no luck from the contractor.
Each time it rains, I get water in my basement, water flooding my back yard because that drain flows through my front drain, and water filling my front driveway. Now the contractor is avoiding me. Thank god I have been documenting everything in writing, photo's, and video. I have a bad feeling that I will wind up in court. Oh yeah and it has rained about 5 times since the drain became clogged. So much for making my house more energy efficient. Just one of the little things that takes away from training.
My first tri of the year is only 4 weeks away. I really need to get outside on the bike more, but it is going to rain a few times this week.
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