Well it has been a long few weeks. Last week my other PC crashed and I spent the past week trying to recover as much info off of it I could. I was able to retrieve most of it but not all of it. It's amazing how dependent we are on computers. I never thought I was, but all it takes is a PC to crash, then you realize how much you do on it.
It was extremely frustrating talking to HP about my computer issues. Almost every time I called customer service, I had trouble understanding the person on the phone. I felt like I said "I'm sorry can you say that again" way too much. They did a good job overall, but were unable to restore my PC even after sending me the restore CD's. I guess I had a bad file or virus somewhere in the system.
I went out over this past weekend and bought a new MacBook Pro. I am still getting used to it, but overall am happy so far after only a few days. It did take me over 3 hours to get all our financial information into the new program. I like the feel of the Mac and since we have so many other Apple products I figured it made sense to get them all on the same page.
On a happier note we received word that Kristina was accepted to Elks Camp Moore, an overnight camp for children with special needs that is located in the mountains of Central New Jersey. She has attended the last 3 years and always comes back telling us how much she loved it. We think we have it tough some times, then when I go to the camp and see some of the other children, I count our blessings. Thank god it is not the same week as IMLP of that would have been a problem.
On a training not, last week was pretty good. I totaled 13:41 in training time with 13 sessions total. I felt really good, but tired at the end of the week. I am glad this week is testing and recovery workouts. I missed 2 optional workouts, so I could have logged even more. I squeezed in a 3 hour trainer session, that was not to terrible. I completed 3 good short BRICK sessions, 24 mile bike and 5 mile runs OTB. I feel good about my biking and running right now. A couple weeks back I set a PR in a 10 mile at 1:08:05...nice flat course, perfect for a run.
I just received my shirts for the fundraiser I am doing in prepping for IMLP. They came out pretty good. White T-shirt with red print or sports grey sweatshirt with white ink. All proceeds go towards our fund for special needs children so if you would like one let me n=know or make a $25 donation at the top of the page.
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