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Friday, February 4, 2011

Swimming on a Friday Night?

Usually I end my week at home with our typical family meal of pizza and some beer (for the adults of course).  Tonight the end of the work week happy hour was a mile swim at the NE YMCA pool.   Years ago I would have been knee deep in beers at happy hour, but now I am in the lap lanes trying to get faster and more efficient in the pool.  You can't win and Ironman in the swim, but you can suffer the rest of the day if not properly trained.  I may not be the fastest swimmer at Lake Placid, but I won't sink either.  I can swim 100 yards in 1:50-1:54.  I know I can get faster if I work at it.

I ended my work week with a good finish.

Thursday 2/3--Did a good 7 mile run at work this morning.  My plan was to swim on my way home, but Cathy has not been feeling to good so she had a Dr appointment, so I had to get right home.  I needed to be Mr Mom and cook the food, do the homework, and bath the kids.  She would not get home until 6:30pm.  I decided to move the swim to Friday and get a haircut since my grey was flowing.  I did not leave until 7:15 and returned home at 8pm, and at that point decided to get to bed early and rest for Friday's big 3 workout.

Friday 2/4--Today would be the return of the "Triple Header."  I started the day with a good 45-minute weight training session.  After that I headed to the bike and completed 24 miles in 1-hour.  Keeping my HR at a 120BPM average, while maintaining 94-110 RPM's through various levels.  After work was over I headed to the NE YMCA for my happy hour swim.

I am planning to get outside this weekend, gonna try for the 10 mile run outside if the snow and rain hold off.  Also, I plan on bringing the trainer and bike indoors.  I need to get on it more often since its been so cold out in my shed and I figure if I bring it in this will help with that.

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