The weekend was a strong finish for training. It all started with getting to the pool on Friday night.
Saturday was another busy day. We had a cheerleading competition for our daughter Emma. This meant 4 hours in a high school gym for 7-8 year old girls cheerleading. What a riot. My son had a birthday party in the afternoon, so Cathy was taking him and I would stay home with the girls. It again was crappy weather, so I would train inside today. My plan was to get to the Y for a run, but I just could not fit in in. I decided to bring my bike in from the shed.
My motivation was way low all day. Finally around 3:45 pm I felt an uptick in motivation. I kept thinking that if I did not get in a ride, I may suffer on race day. I was able to get in a solid 1 hour ride. It was a little weird being back on my tri bike, as the past month I had been primarily on a stationary bike. It felt good and the hour went by fast as I alternated between cadence, gearing, and effort.
Was that the sun today? What a miracle. It was 42 degrees and sunny when I went out for an easy 10 miler today. It was great. This was my first road run since the Disney Marathon almost a month agao. The 10 miles went by in 1:10 so I had a good pace and an even HR. It was nice to run along my route and see the snow melting and the sidewalks again.
It was a good finish on the weekend. I tried to keep my motivation up and remember that I amy suffer during the training, but it will pay off on race day.
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