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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tapering Down

Well I am closing in on Lake Placid faster than I realize.  It seems like yesterday it was February and I was just getting in the pool.  So far I have accomplished my main goal, and it is not even triathlon or training related.

We have raised a lot of money for special needs children through our events this year.  It started with the beef and beer, continued with businesses, and friends and family members.  It looks like we will go passed last years total.  For me that is what it is all worth...all the early morning swimming, miles biking and running.

On the training front I have managed to stay healthy so far...I probably just jinxed myself right?  Right now I am in the final two weeks of Peak training and then its taper time.  The past few weeks have been really good.  I had a week of vacation(6/18) at the beach with my family and used it as a training camp week.  It turned into almost 20 hours of training time, with two long rides of over 5 hours each.  The only bad thing about the week was I hit a big pot hole and lost my rear water bottle holders at some point.  Oh well!

I won't bore you with the past months details on each workout, but I know that in comparing last years actual totals to this years I am way ahead, but last year I dislocated my right shoulder June 1 and lost most of the month.  I still am not the most proficient swimmer, but I can handle the 2.4 mile swim.  I compared all of last year to this year, and am ahead in sessions completed for each discipline and averages per session for the swim and run.  The bike is just a little lower by .75 miles per session.  I have logged a few more longer >4 hours bikes rides, so I am hoping that helps.
Junes totals are below:
Swim: 6 hours--19,500 yards
Bike:29 hours--495 miles
Run: 25 hours--230 miles

June was super busy..end of school for three kids, vacation, Mooseman 70.3, and trying to still be a good husband.

Last weekend I had a bit of a scare.  While on my last long ride my phone starting ringing right in the middle of a long steep climb.  I did not answer it.  No less than 10 seconds later it rang again, I knew something was up.  Once I reached the top of the hill my text message ring went off, now I really knew something was up.  Short story is that my dad was admitted to the hospital with something called Global Amnesia.  At first it sounded like he had a stroke or TIA.  I had to cut my ride short, get a ride home so I could go to the shore and be with him.  It was a very scary situation, but he went home the next day is is feeling OK, just a little sluggish.

Here is Emma and Kaitlyn racing on the Slip n Slide with Conor being the Judge.

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