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Monday, June 27, 2011


Its under 30 days now until IMLP and I can't wait.  The past week my shoulder has slowly started to get better.  Still not allowed to swim, but the Physical Therapist thinks it should be OK to start and swim by July 1, 2011.  That will only give me 3 weeks to test it out with some long swims.  I know I will not be getting any faster, but I need the endurance to get through the swim.  One good thing is that my arm can almost straighten all the way, I have only a minimal bow in it right now.

This past week I logged 12:46 in total time.  This included the 2nd Big Day workout in my plan.  I feel like my running is getting back to where it was before I got hurt.  I figure maybe by July 4th week I should be back to the times I had seen at the end of May.  I still have limited range of motion in the shoulder, so I don't have much arm swing and you need that when you are running for speed.  The pain is pretty limited and I only take over the counter medicine before I workout.  I started Physical Therapy on Wednesday and our plan is range of motion exercises until July 1, then try to get it stronger for swimming.

This was the first full week the kids were out of school and they started camp right away.  Emma and Kristina are in the same camp, and Conor is in a little kid camp.  This gives Cathy a nice break in her day to have some alone time and take care of herself.  Emma really help Kristina at camp because there are some things the staff cannot do, like help her out of a bathing suit or be in a bathroom stall with any child, so Emma takes on that responsibility.  Its alot for an 8 year old but she says she is ok with it and doesn't mind.  We hope she means it and she does realize that Kristina needs help certain times.

My Big Day workout was Saturday this week.  First thing is that on the bike first, there is more traffic on a Saturday than Sunday.  Especially around the shopping centers with Home Depot and Lowes.  It was a good workout and dress rehearsal again.  I felt good and my shoulder seemed OK.  My nutrition was basic again, every 30 minutes rotate Gu, Clif Bar, and Banana.  I had 3 bottles of Gatorade and AquaCell full of water, and drank when thirsty.  That seemed just right for me, no bloated feeling or GI fatigue.

The run was a little tougher.  My shoulder really didn't want to loosen up after the rest from the bike.  The weather was perfect, so I can't complain about that.  On the run I was feeling pretty good on my legs, the shoulder was different.  After 75 minutes I realized that I still had not finished my 20oz of Gatorade, so I fear dehydration was already on me.  After 11 miles I stopped inside an indoor ice skating rink to fill up with water.  Good plan, but I drank it all in the next mile, 20oz of water in 8 minutes.  I stopped again in the next fast food place I passed, in the next mile.  Another refill and bottle empty within a mile.  Good thing was I was just about home at that part.  I stayed pretty close to my goal pace of 8 minute miles.

Overall I felt pretty good about my effort on this workout.  Over 7 hours in total.  Saturday night I ate a reasonable meal and washed it down with a few cold ones at our friends Brian and Nicole's house.  Brian had just returned from 2 week in Europe, Hong Kong, and the Middle East for work so he had some great stories.

Sunday was the Philadelphia Triathlon.  I was registered to race but obviously didn't because of my shoulder.  I think I could have, but IMLP is my goal and didn't want to risk it.  I signed up to volunteer, so I went down and did body marking and helped at the swim exit.  Now I now how the volunteers feel at all the races I have done.  It was great, many people thanked me and were glad to hear me say "Your out of the Water, smile."

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