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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 21 Down towards Ironman

Just finished week 21 of my 24 week program.  Next week is testing and recovery week.  This week was a good week of training.  I made every workout count. 

Monday I only did my weight training session.  I am starting to come down to the end of this current program.  The next program in weight training starts after next week's recovery week.

Tuesday was a good two session day.  First I started off with a 10 mile run outside just after lunch.  After leaving work, I stopped at the YMCA to complete my swim session.  I was pretty tired during this session.  I think the later run affected my swim ability.  Usually, I run much earlier in the day, so I have longer to recover.  Kristina had swimmimng tonight so I took her and watched from the sideline.

Wednesday was a good triple workout day.  I changed it up slightly and ran 3 miles for my first workout.  After the run, I jumped on the bike for a good 75 minute trainer session.  I then jumped off the bike and ran 2 miles for a brick.  I finished up the day with a weight training session before I headed home.  I was glad there were no activities tonight becuase I was spent.

Thursday was a big difference.  I fit my 8 mile run in in the early AM.  It was cold outside, under 30 degrees, but little wind so it was nice.  It made for my afternoon swim much better.  I seemed to get stronger as I went along.  Today is Kristina's birthday, so we had a busy night.

Friday was a busy day at work, so I had to do my weight session at lunch.  When I got home I rode the traininer for 75 minutes, getting in 33 miles.  We are one kid down since Kristina is at my parents house at the beach, so we ventured out to Chili's for diner.  I am working on good nutrition so I had a house salad, chili, and NO BEER!  That was a hard meal to through.

Saturday was a good start to the weekend.  I hit the Y for my swim session by 7:15 am.  I finished 2200 yards in 42 minutes.  Hardly olympic worthy, but I am working on it.  I need to get through the swim portion of the Ironman without sinking and being healthy enough to get on a bike and run a marathon.  I went home and took a break then went for a 13 mile run.  I actually went for an extra .75 miles during the run, for a total of 13.75.

Sunday was the toughest mental workout so far.  I was scheduled to ride the trainer, its pouring here today, for 2 hours.  Yesterday I had to go pick Kristina up at my parents house as she got sick.  Not so bad.  Then Conor got sick last night with projectile vomitting for 4 good hours or so.  It lasted from 10PM unitl about 3AM.  Needless to say I was a little tired this morning.  I went back to sleep this morning, and even had a nap after lunch.  I got on the trainer at 1:40PM.  I rode for 2:15 minutes and went 56 miles.  It was pretty tough mentally because I was tired from lack of sleep.  Watching Batman cartoons with Conor made the time go by, but not as fast as I would have wanted.

Totals for the week
Weights: 3 sessions, 2 hrs, 15 minutes
Swim: 3 sessions, 5,800 yards
Bike:  3 sessions, 119 miles
Run:  4 sessions, 36.75 miles

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