Well, since IMLP I have not blogged that much nor have I trained a ton. Since my last blog I have completed some more events. Specifically Sloppy Cuckoo Half Marathon Trail Run, Pocono Ironman 70.3, NEPYA 5 Miler, and the October Lauf Fest Half Marathon. About the only things I have done since IMLP is enjoy life, help get the kids settled into school, and try to be some what normal again.
The Sloppy Cuckoo was awesome. I had not done a trail run in a long time, about 13 years. This was a nice local trail run in Penny Pack Park not far from my house. The thing most interesting at the start was trail runners are way different than road runners and triathletes, very natural. The trail was an ass kicker with plenty of log jumping, steep inclines, water crossing, and switchback sections. The single track sections were really tough. I knew it would be hard, but it was really hard. Finished in 1:53:54. Not to bad for a trail run. The funniest part was passing a guy dressed as a banana on a soft sand section, he was dying from the heat, but ran the entire thing as that banana.
Ironman Pocono 70.3 will be a great race. This year was the first year, and like most first year races they will learn each year. Mind you the organization, race venue, terrain were all fine with me, I mean the locals will learn. There were lots of complaints from locals I heard about the road closures and such. The race organizers did everything to educate the locals, I guess some just don't read the local papers, watch the local news, or listen to the local radio. This first year was really tough because of mother nature also. All the rain made the course wet, cold, and disasterous. The swim was cancelled because of the raging river. Many people were complaining in T1, that is until the sun came up and you could see the river and how fast it was. No more complaints! Time trial start on the bike was ok with me but not the 50degree temps. Cold in the A.M.
I had a pretty good race on a really hilly course. It was in the Pocono Mountains after all. I had done no road riding except for the Atlantic City Triathlon. All my rides were on a stationary bike and none lasted longer than 90 minutes so I was clearly undertrained on the bike. I had a pretty good run time of 1:47, with even splits. All in all it was a nice end of season event.
Had a nice local 5 miler after Pocono. Close to my house again. Finished the short out and back run in under 35 minutes to take 2nd overall. There must be lots of slow pokes who live near me.
The last race of the year turned out to be the October Lauf Fest Half Marathon organized by the same group who did the Sloppy Cuckoo and at the same location. This was a road race with a short 1.25 mile single track trail section. This came into the course at the 11.85 mile section and I knew the terrain was going to slow everyone down. I had a great day running in 1:34, placing 23rd overall.
The finish of the year I cut way back on training and ate whatever I wanted. I am carrying an extra 20 lbs right now, about 190 total. Since IMLP everyone has said I look healthier now but I feel heavy and my clothes are tight. I signed up for the Disney Marathon as way to help me shed some pounds and keep working towards a gaol of another marathon. Before I know it, February will be here and I will once again gear up for Ironman training.