Well I have not yet written my race report from the Atlantic City Triathlon so here it goes.
Atlantic City I had signed up for pretty late. I was still feeling a little unmotivated from IMLP and needing something to shot for in the fall. In addition, my parents live south of Atlantic City so I had a free place to stay and figured Cathy and the kids could come with me for a nice family weekend at the beach in September. Unfortunately, the weather was crappy and cold. It rained all day Saturday, but was supposed to be ok for race day on Sunday. This race was to be an ocean swim, a 22 mile bike ride on the ATLANTIC CITY EXPRESSWAY, and then a 6 mile run along the AC Boardwalk.
Standing on the beach waiting for my wave to start, the first wave in the water, I could tell the waves were getting taller and the current was moving really fast south. The start was delayed 30 minutes because the roads still had traffic moving and closing the AC Expressway is not easy. By the time I completed a warm-up swim I could tell it was going to be a dog fight on the swim. I never felt a current like that. I started a good 50 yards wide of the turn buoy knowing I would be pushed back towards it.
Getting out past the waves was nearly impossible. The waves were 10 feet tall, with a quick moving southbound flow to them. I was pushed, but past the turn buoy and it took me about 15 minutes to get to it. I heard them start the second wave, but only saw a few other swimmers in the ocean. The waves were going so fast and tall going southbound with the current that you could only see the swim markers when the wave lifted you up. As I passed a lifeguard boat, I heard them say to start turning towards the shore. I was still 200 yards from the next turn marker and was near a pier. I didn't turn right away because I feared I would be pushed into the pier. Once I did make the turn marker, I realized why the guards were telling everyone to turn early. I was being pushed way past the swim exit point because of the surf. On my way in the waves were crazy. My goggles came off 3 different times from the force of the waves crashing over me. By the time I made shore, I was running back to the swim exit and was informed by some ladies that the swim had been CANCELLED after the 1st wave went into the water, of course my wave.
The rest of the race turned into a Time Trial start on the bike, but I had already done the swim as well. Standing at the new TT start line, we were already sharing "war stories" of the swim. The bike was uneventful. Winding road out to the expressway then a straight out and back for 2 loops. I did have some good karma when I saw a fellow athlete with a flat. I asked if he needed help and he said he was just going to ride in since he used both his tubes. I rode slightly ahead then pulled over. I gave him one of my extra tubes I had since Lake Placid. Finished my ride back to town then hit the boardwalk for the run.
The run was a straight out and back along the boardwalk. Nothing special except for the looks from the gamblers with all these triathletes running down the boardwalk. It was pretty funny.