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Sunday, July 31, 2011


What an awesome event it was.  I have been lucky enough to be a spectator at some killer sporting events, The Master's, Final Four, LSU v Florida Football, Phillies World Series Win; but nothing was like being at or competing in an IRONMAN!

Swim 1:21
Bke 6:10
Run 4:07
Finally after 7 months of training!
Post race recovery

Check out the video report on the Sites I like to Visit link on the left.

Race day weather was great.  It was a wet-suit illegal race due to the water temperature of over 76.1 degrees.  You could wear a wet-suit, but if you wanted to win a Kona slot or any awards you could not.  I was not aiming for Kona or any award, so I had mine on.

I started out all the way to the right in the lake.  When the cannon fired, I took 5 really deep breaths before starting my swim.  I followed the advice of many experienced swimmers at Ironman Lake Placid and I stayed far right during the swim.  I was about 25-50 yards off the buoy's for most of the race.  I stayed there so I would not have to fight for space along the "line" of the buoy.  At times I felt like I was the only one swimming as I could not hear or feel any other swimmers near me.  I completed the first lap in just under 39 minutes and headed out for lap 2.  I followed the same plan, and stayed right again.  This time I stayed about 25 yards off the "line".  I exited the swim in 1:21:03, good for 1,500th place.  Overall my shoulder felt pretty good, only a few twinges when I would make an attempt at freestyle.  I basically breaststroked the entire race.

I exited the swim and made the .20 mile run to transition with relative ease.  I found my swim/bike bag quickly, made it into the change tent and a volunteer immediately started to help me get ready for the bike.  Once I was dressed and ready I headed out of the tent.  The I realized I had no sunscreen on.  I made a u-turn back into the tent for that.  After the sunscreen I re-exited the tent.  A volunteer had my bike ready for me, so I had little problems getting to my bike.  The bike mount area was really congested.  You funnel down into a small area to mount you bike, and once on the bike you go down a hill with a quick left turn, so I think everyone was just being really timid.

The bike is 2 loops of 56 miles.  The first loop you can over cook yourself, then die on the second loop and marathon.  My plan was simple, take the bike easy so would have enough on the run.  The views in Lake Placid are fantastic, so at some moments, I actually sat up on my bike and took it all in, the views, the sounds of a nearby stream or river, the Moose crossing signs, and the deer in a field that I saw.

The first few miles out of town are rollers with a pretty good climb.  I got some fuel into me and made sure I started to hydrate right way because it was going to be pretty hot on the course later in the day.  I hit the screaming 7 mile down hill into Keene.  I was probably too conservative here looking back, but my plan was to try and conserve energy on this big downhill and stay in control.  The road is not completely flat so I did not want to risk a wheel wobble.  After Keene, it is pretty flat into Jay and Wilmington, only a few false flats, rollers and such so I focused on getting in fuel.  No real climbs.  Coming out of Wilmington you see the signs for Lake Placid 10 miles and you know what is coming.  These last 10 miles are tough because you know you are climbing back into town.  The "three bears" awaited me as I attempted returning to Lake Placid.  The last hill is Pappa Bear, a tough climb under normal circumstances, but at an Ironman it is really tough.  Once I conquered that last hill, I made the right turn and start heading towards Mirror Lake and the Special Needs bags.

I made the stop at my bag to get some additional food for my bike and he second loop.  I also downed a small bottle of Sprite just as a way of giving my body something different other than Gatorade, Ironman Perform, and Water.  Quickly I mounted my bike and heading towards the Olympic Oval to repeat the loop.  As I entered town the crowd really is going crazy for you.  It felt like I was in the TDF!  Now all I had to do was repeat everything.  Total on the bike was 6:10.

On the bike taking it easy

I had a simple plan for the marathon, have 26 one mile runs.  Essentially run aid station to aid station.  While at the aid station, take sponges, ice, water, cola, and then any food I think I may need.  Only start running again when I am ready.  Walk when my HR went above 155 on the hills.  Pretty simple.  My back was pretty fried when I got on the run course.  I guess after 6:10 on the bike that was to be expected.    Luckily my family was at Art Devlin's, and it's only .2 miles from the transition area so I got to see them 4 times and that provided alot of motivation for me.

The run course is deceptive.  The first 2.5 miles are easy and full of support.  Then you hit the River Road loop.  It is pretty isolated out there, not much crowd except or the local home owners and volunteers from the aid stations.  It also seems longer than a 3 mile out-3 mile in loop.  Coming back into town I walked up 2 of the 3 hills, so I could keep my HR down.  Heading out down Mirror Lake Drive is nice and shaded.  It is also where special needs bags are for the run.  I took mine just so I could get the food out of it.  I passed by the Olympic Oval knowing that all I needed to do was repeat the first loop and maintain my nutrition and I could finish in under 12 hours.  The second loop was similar to the first, just slower.

As I came down to the last mile I was hurting some.  The crowd around the finish is awesome.  As I started to pick up my pace coming down to the Oval, I was smiling and clapping my hands.  I wanted to soak it all in because it is that awesome.  When I came around the oval, I made sure I was not next to someone because I wanted to have my own moment coming around to the finish.  Right after I crossed the finish line, I heard my Dad yell to me.  They were right at the finish line and were able to see me come across.  Marathon time 4:07.
Right after the 1st lop, only 13 miles to go!
It was a great experience for me.  Obviously I enjoyed it all because I already signed up for next year 2012!

My overall time was 11:52:31.  I was a little off my goal of 11:30, but I was happy because my number 1 goal was to finish healthy and smiling, and I did just that.  I had a great time on race day, followed my plan, took in all the sights, and had no lingering issues in the days after the race.  I actually felt great and better than I have after open marathons I have run.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Well it all comes down to this.  The last week in training for Ironman Lake Placid.  To be honest I am a little worried and I am not even at the race sight.  I am only nervous that my shoulder has set my swim back to far.  I believe I'll get through the bike and run on my plan, but the shoulder has me worried.  Six weeks ago to dislocate my shoulder, and I have been working hard in Physical Therapy to bring it back, but I still cannot make the freestyle motion.  I guess I'll be breaststroking the whole damn thing.

How did the final weeks of the Prep block go?  Well I think it went pretty good.  The last 2-weeks call for 4 race intensity based workouts, and many recovery type workouts.  I think my running has finally come back because my speed, effort, and HR seem to be back to where they were pre-crash.  I did manage 6 swim session in the last 2-weeks, non longer than 45 minutes however.  Now you can see my concern for the swim.  I have 4 sessions still to go before the race, so I still have a chance.

The last 6-weeks have been a little tough because of the injury and fatigue setting in.  I am starting to feel fresh right now.  This week will be nice and easy with 4 days of workouts(with race intervals) then the race itself.  The workouts get progressively lighter each day starting Tuesday.  I'll make Friday a complete rest day.  Saturday, real light with pre-race swim, bike the run course, and finally run the final 3 miles of the marathon.  Sunday should be a great be play day!!!

On the fundraising efforts, its been a great time.  So far over $3,000 raise for special needs children.  It has really nice having all the support from so many people.  I am hopeful some additional funds come in after the event, but if it does't, thats OK, its been a great first event.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Princess Returns and The Taper

First of all, it was a really quite week in our house as Kristina was away at overnight camp but returned on Saturday.  She loved camp again!  We are so happy she enjoys it.  The camp staff all seemed to enjoy having Kristina with them this week.  When I picked her up to come home, she must have hugged every camp staffer we passed.

Here is Kristina with one of her "boyfriends" at camp.

Her is Kristina and her camp staffer Chantelle along with another camper Nicki.

Chantelle is from London and was great!  She really seemed to like having Kristina as her camper.   She followed our advice on how to deal with Kristina, but also used her own head and evaluated the situation.  We hope Chantelle enjoyed Kristina as much as Kristina enjoyed her.

On the training front, I am starting the final weeks of IMLP training.  This past week was week one of the Peak Training Weeks.  These weeks you perform four Race Prep Workouts spaced out over 14 days, each one having a different focus.  This workout is performed, then you have two days of recovery workouts.  This lead right up to race week Monday.  This section you are either working out at race intensity or in Zone 1-2.   I had the first one on Thursday.  It was a short bike, 45 min, followed by a 90 minute run.  The temperature outside was HOT and HUMID.  I must have lost 6 lbs on that run.  The rest of the runs and rides are pretty standard and in Zone 1-2 for HR.

Good news was I got into the pool three times this week.  I didn't push to hard on the shoulder.  I still can't do freestyle swimming so I guess I will be doing breaststroke for 2.4 miles of fun.  I was able to do a nice steady pace of 2:05 per 100.  I figured that if I can keep that pace 1:20 at IMLP is possible.

I dropped a few lbs the passed 3 weeks, now around 166-168.  I know during the taper I will get back to 172-175, which I think is a good race weight for me.  Below 170 and I feel somewhat weak, which is probably more mental than physical, since 5 lbs is not that big a deal.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Forget the Shoulder

Now that July 4th is over I need to get in the pool.  I know my shoulder is/will not be 100% for IMLP, but I need to get back in the water.  Even if I just utilize the kick board at first, I just need the sensation of being in the pool and being horizontal.  I'll try some breast stroke but not really look for speed of any real force yet.  I don't want to set myself back this close to the end, but I need to feel comfortable with the arm.

This past week was pretty good, 15 hours 20 minutes of exercise time and it would have been over 18 hours if I was allowed in the pool.  I did almost 50 miles of running this week.  That included a long 20 miler on Saturday morning in just over 2:31.  I feel pretty good with that pace and hope I am only slightly slower at LP.  The runs during the week were still slower than normal.  My ribs are almost healed, but I still don't have a full arm swing during the run and my shoulder feels a little unstable even with the tape added for support.  I did perform 2 brick runs during the week.

The bike sessions are still varied.  I utilize the trainer at work most days.  This week I split the sessions from the trainer and the road.  The long ride on Sunday was 5:11 in total time.  Not especially fast but effective since the weather was horrible.  It started to rain as soon as got on the bike.  I knew it would, having checked the weather channel as soon as I got up in the AM.  There were two huge downpours during the ride and it rained for at least 75% of the ride.  I wanted to go on the ride because I wanted to evaluate how my bike handled the rain.  The weather in LP is unpredictable in LP, so I need to be ready for anything.

On the home front, Kristina went away to overnight camp on 7/3/11.  This is her 4th year attending Elks Camp Moore.  It is a camp for special needs children and she looks forward to it each year.  The staffing is perfect for any child; 1 counselor for each child.   The camp allows the kids to experience as much of traditional overnight camp that they can handle.  Each year she attends is a blessing to us.  We feel so lucky to be able to give her this experience.  It is a special week for her.  Without lying it is also a good break for all of us in our house.  It does make for a quite house.  We all miss her but we know she is having a great time.